Basic information about the company
Company name: | Komerční pojištovna, a.s. |
Legal form: | public limited company |
Date of establishment: | 1 September 1995 |
Registered office: | Prague 8, Karolinská 1/650 |
Corporate ID: | 63998017, incorporated with the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, File 3362 |
Tax number: | CZ699001182 |
GIIN: | QQA6ZW.00107.ME.203 |
LEI: | 549300XT5NIAS5W8RH41 |
Shareholders: | SOGECAP S.A., Tour D2 - 17 bis, place des Reflets, 92919 Paris La Défense 2, France (51% of the registered capital) Komerční banka, a.s., Prague 1, Na Příkopě 33, Corporate ID: 45317054 (49% of the registered capital) |
Registered capital: | CZK 1,175,397,600 |
Business: |
Statutory bodies: |
The company is a member of the Société Générale Group, KB. Financial Group and of the Czech Insurance Association (ČAP).
Detailed information about the use and protection of clients´ personal data in Komerční pojišťovna, a.s.
For more information call the Call centrum of Komerční pojišťovna using the free Info Line 800 10 66 10.
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